Are cows treated with antibiotics?

Animals, like humans, need medical intervention from time to time in order to combat infections or other illnesses. Only authorised remedies that carry a Veterinary Product Approval or European Medicines Evaluation Agency approval number are permitted for use in food producing animals. Veterinary medications, such as antibiotics, are available to dairy farmers by veterinary prescription only. Where they are used, specific withdrawal periods are designated to ensure that milk from antibiotic-treated cows does not enter the food chain. As a further precaution, milk is tested for antibiotics following collection from the farmer. In the event of detection, the milk is prohibited from entering the processing plant and disposed of.

The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) conduct routine farm inspections and has a veterinary inspectorate that is responsible for the implementation of a national milk residue monitoring plan, as required under EU directive 96/23/EC. For these reasons, the risk of ever buying milk which contains antibiotics is extremely low.

Posted Under: Antibiotics