Irish Cheddar Cheese Toastie with Homemade Tomato Soup
There’s no better comfort food than an ooey-gooey cheesy toastie. Whether you’re whipping up a quick lunch or late night snack, you can rely on
There’s no better comfort food than an ooey-gooey cheesy toastie. Whether you’re whipping up a quick lunch or late night snack, you can rely on
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Check out OUR Latest FAVOURITE Recipe
The National Dairy Council is a farmer-funded representative body that works to promote and protect Ireland’s internationally-renowned dairy reputation for excellent products, produced in an increasingly sustainable way.
There’s more to milk than calcium – with just one glass providing us with 8 essential nutrients, each playing important roles for our health. Learn about the eight reasons to drink milk.
Get inspired with our delicious recipes, packed with nutritious dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt.
The National Dairy Council is a farmer-funded representative body that works to promote and protect Ireland’s internationally-renowned dairy reputation for excellent products, produced in an increasingly sustainable way.
The NDC Farmer Ambassador Programme has brought together a team of dairy farmers from around the country with the objective of addressing some of the current myths and misconceptions about Irish dairy, where it comes from and how it’s produced. Most importantly, we’re talking about what’s being done to ensure a sustainable future for 17,500 family dairy farms nationwide.
There’s no better comfort food than an ooey-gooey cheesy toastie. Whether you’re whipping up a quick lunch or late night snack, you can rely on Irish cheddar cheese to make the perfect toastie.
Irish dairy farmers across the country are doing things differently, thinking about their impact, embracing new ways of operating and implementing world-leading technologies and farming practices.
Enjoy the delicious versatility and taste of sustainably produced Irish dairy this Christmas. From the melted butter on your Christmas pancakes to the softly whipped cream on your favourite pudding, the list of dishes is endless with rich and versatile Irish dairy. Here you will find a selection of decadent, mouth watering treats to enjoy with family and friends from NDC’s favourite Irish chefs and food writers.
It’s because Ireland, in its climate and in its landscape, has natural advantages that make it one of the best places in the world for producing high quality dairy products.
Our latest TV commercial staring NDC Sports Ambassador & #IrishRugby Star Eimear Considine, celebrates that in Ireland, our world-famous grass lies at the heart of our nutritious, sustainably produced Irish milk.
It’s simple. Your body needs fuel. To keep you going. To keep you healthy. To keep you strong. And the better the fuel, the better it is for your body, in the short-term and the long run.
Whether an elite athlete, involved in a local sports club or a dedicated gym bunny; a healthy, balanced diet is essentia...
Milk, yogurt and cheese are established as nutrient-rich foods to be included as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
Childhood and the adolescent years are critical stages for bone growth and development, setting the foundations for life...
“From The Ground Up” tells the story of the people, animals & land which together produce world-class dairy in an increasingly sustainable way.
Natural Dairy
The National Dairy Council (NDC) champions Irish dairy’s social licence to produce a portfolio of products providing essential nutrition, with a demonstrable commitment to sustainability. We believe in a future in which Irish dairy is recognised and trusted as a vital part of people’s diet, indispensable to Ireland’s social and economic wellbeing.
All of our actions are built on a comprehensive understanding of dairy’s role across the life-stages, supporting and using research to answer important questions about dairy products, how they are produced and their role as part of a balanced diet.
The NDC plays a vital role in shaping Irish public opinion on dairy production and products. It’s our job to tell the story of Irish dairy, and restore pride and trust in its quality, its commitment to sustainability and its role in a healthy, balanced diet.
Welcome to the NDC Producers section where you will find more information about the National Dairy Council, our latest campaigns, the NDC guarantee, the farmer ambassador programme, or the Quality Milk Awards.
Welcome to the NDC Health Professionals section where you will find the most cutting edge dairy science research to enhance your knowledge and enable you to confidently advise your clients, patients and colleagues.
Welcome to the NDC School Resources Section where you can access more information on the School Milk Scheme, including a range of educational resources for primary and secondary level students.