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Health Professionals

We hope our resources will assist you in gaining up-to-date information on the role of dairy as part of a healthy, balanced diet to enhance your own knowledge and/or to confidently advise your clients, patients and colleagues.

Should you have any queries, please contact

As a trusted source of dairy science information, the National Dairy Council (NDC) provides up-to-date information on the role of dairy as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

This information includes the most cutting edge dairy science research to enhance your knowledge and enable you to confidently advise your clients, patients and colleagues. Should you have any queries, please contact

As the National Dairy Council’s portfolio is largely driven by health promotion and nutrition, our Nutrition team ensure that all content is evidence-based and relevant.

The NDC nutritionists work on a wide range of nutrition areas including:
  • The monitoring and evaluation of all scientific research that drives the NDC marketing campaigns
  • Ensuring that all content for the consumer is compliant with EU Nutrition & Health Claim legislation (Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006)
  • The commissioning of independent academic research to strengthen the knowledge base of dairy nutrition
  • Working with professional bodies in continuous professional development (CPD) for health care professionals
  • Health promotion to consumers across the life-stages via events and literature
  • Media monitoring and media engagement (print, radio and TV)
  • Clarification on misconceptions about dairy

Our Publications

DN Forum is the science-based publication from the National Dairy Council, in collaboration with Food for Health Ireland (FHI), written specifically for health professionals and industry experts.

Receive updates

From time to time, the Nutrition Team at the National Dairy Council would like to share with you relevant information such as new or updated in-house publications, health professional news and updates or an invitation to a seminar or event.

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