Containing 100% real farmers, ‘From The Ground Up’ showcases:
- What makes Irish dairy the best in the world
- Ireland’s connection to the land
- Dairy farmer’s actions on sustainability
The National Dairy Council has launched a new media campaign – ‘From the Ground Up’ – encouraging people to take pride in Ireland’s dairy industry and building understanding of our progressive farming practices.
The series of 90’, 30’ and 20’ spots feature Irish dairy farmers explaining how they take care of the environment, employ sustainable farming practices – and also why they do it – and how dairy farming is central to Ireland’s national heritage. The campaign will be shown on TV and in cinemas, beginning September 6, throughout September, October and November, and will be aired on 11 September during the highlights of the All-Ireland football final.
Zoë Kavanagh, Chief Executive of the National Dairy Council, believes that – because of the increasing public debate around dairy’s sustainability and the industry’s ability to deliver against yet-to-be-established emissions targets – now is the time to get people on board with the farmers, to show support and solidarity:
“Dairy farming has been going on in Ireland for over 4,000 years and it’s a part of our national identity. Our grass-fed family farming system is ideally suited to the Irish climate and such is its place in Irish society that our research shows around one in four people know a dairy farmer personally.
“However, there is a disconnect between those who buy and consume Irish dairy – 75% of people believe buying Irish is important – and what our farmers are doing to address the issue of sustainability, particularly when it comes to climate action, thereby guaranteeing their future and that of their families.
“Our new campaign – ‘From The Ground Up’ – aims to bridge that gap, encouraging pride, greater understanding and a level of responsibility for our national dairy industry. If we don’t have that pride – that sense of ownership and involvement – then decisions about dairy’s future will be driven not by people who care, but by pressure groups and the disconnected.”
Miriam Gunn, NDC Farmer Ambassador and campaign spokesperson, added:
“Very often it feels as if farming – and dairy farming in particular – is completely misunderstood and under-valued. We are the driving force behind quality products that people want to purchase and are a key part of a healthy, modern lifestyle – the demand for which just keeps increasing – and yet, as an industry, what we’re doing in the area of sustainability simply isn’t recognised.
“This new NDC campaign – which I was glad to take part in – puts our side of the story across. I hope that when people see it, they’ll spare a bit of time to think about what it says, and why it’s so important – not just to us as farmers, but to the country as a whole.”
For futher information contact:
Cathy Currran, Communications Manager, National Dairy Council
+353 1 290 2518 |